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Describing Software ArchitecturesEoin Woods

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A big part of software architecture is communication, because theres no point in designing a great architecture if no one else understands it in order to validate it, grasp its implications, use it to guide implementation work, and so on. And worse still, many different people are interested in the architecture, but in very different ways. How on earth do you serve all of these needs? Eoin Woods explains...


The design of a complex system is a complicated and multi-faceted thing, which means that it is difficult to write down.

One thing which we know doesn’t work is to write a big document that you print out and put on a shelf. Such things can give a false sense of reassurance that “everything is understood” but in reality just tend to hide what isn’t understood.

On the other hand, the recent smart-phone enabled trend of sketching on whiteboards and putting photos of the results on a wiki often doesn’t cut it when you’re asked to produce your “architecture documents” or when you’re trying to remember crucial details to explain the system to a new team member. So in between these extremes, how much architectural documentation is enough? In this article we’re going to explore these questions and some approaches that can help you to answer them in the context of your own projects.

Describing Your Architecture

Introducing Viewpoints

Turning to our first question of how to structure the description of something as involved as a system architecture, there are two distinct sub-questions to be answered:

Happily it turns out that both of these questions can be answered by using an approach that has been around for quite a while – structuring your architectural description into a set of related “views” (in fact the approach has been around long enough that there are books and even an ISO standard [1] on the topic). A view describes one aspect of an architecture, from the perspective of one or more stakeholder concerns. A formal definition of a view taken from the book Nick Rozanski and I wrote on this topic [2] is as follows:

A view is a representation of one or more structural aspects of an architecture that illustrates how the architecture addresses one or more concerns held by one or more of its stakeholders.

This all sounds very abstract though, what do we mean in practice? Let’s look at a few examples.

For a typical enterprise system we could start with a Context View that shows how the system relates to its environment, capturing the system as a single element and showing all of the other systems that it connects to in order to fulfil its role. This sort of view is of interest to many stakeholders, including the people commissioning the system (“acquirers”), the development team, the support teams, the teams responsible for the systems that depend upon or are depended upon by this system and so on. The key point is that this view communicates just the system’s context (which can be quite complex in itself) and doesn’t overwhelm the reader with lots of information about its internal workings.

An example context view is shown in Figure 1. We’ll discuss the content of a context view in more detail later, but as you can see from this diagram, it shows the runtime context of the system, particularly which systems it interacts with.

figure 1 - a context view

We could then continue by creating a Functional View that drilled inside the system and described the runtime components and connectors that it contains. This would be of interest to many stakeholders including development teams, technical writers, support staff and some parts of the end user community, as well as specialists like security assessors and auditors.

An example of a functional view is shown in Figure 2, as a UML component diagram. Again we won’t go into much detail here, but suffice to say that a functional view captures the structure of the system in-terms of functional elements (“components”), their responsibilities, interfaces and interactions, while abstracting away details about their implementation, deployment and so on.

figure 2 - a functional view

Another view we might create for such a system could be a Deployment View that described the system’s deployment environment, showing the compute nodes that the software ran on, which parts of the system ran on which nodes, middleware that linked the system components together, database instances that were required, network requirements and so on. Such a view would be of interest to people supporting the system, the infrastructure teams, development teams and again specialists in areas like security, audit and compliance.

A possible Deployment View for the system outlined in our Functional View is shown in Figure 3, represented as a UML deployment diagram. As we’ll discuss later, base UML isn’t very strong at describing deployment environments and it is common to extend it or use alternative notations for the Deployment View. This model shows a basic deployment structure, illustrating the nodes that the system will run on, their connections, and the mapping of the system’s artefacts to each. We’ll see later how to put some more interesting information into this view.

figure 3 - a deployment view

And so we could continue, adding views for different aspects of the architecture, dividing the problem up into manageable pieces and allowing people using the architectural description to focus on the parts that they care about.

So how would we decide which views to create and what we put in each of them?

Well firstly we should only create a view if it is of use to a stakeholder who cares about some aspect of the system. To put this succinctly, we should always “model with a purpose”, a principle identified a long time ago by one of my software development heroes, John Daniels [3]. In his original article John was talking about the different sorts of models available and when to use each, but the principle also applies when considering whether to create a model at all, as we are here. However we still don’t want to start from scratch every time. There have probably been many systems with similarities to ours already built and people have had to create views of them, so what did they do? We can answer this question by looking at sets of viewpoints that have been defined for us already.

A viewpoint is to a view, what a class is to an object. That is, it acts as a template and guide, to define the view’s purpose, what the view is useful for and what to put in that view. A formal definition of a viewpoint, from the same reference as before, is:

A viewpoint is a collection of patterns, templates, and conventions for constructing one type of view. It defines the stakeholders whose concerns are reflected in the viewpoint and the guidelines, principles, and template models for constructing its views.

A number of viewpoint sets have already been defined for various types of system and various domains, but the set we’ll use in this article is the set that Nick Rozanski and I created when we wrote our book [2]. on software architecture that I took the definitions above from. Our set of views is as follows:

You can get a quick reference card that defines the essentials of each of these viewpoints from www.viewpoints-and-perspectives.info At this stage, I realise that alarm bells may be ringing, particularly if you work in an agile team where you use very little formal documentation. Have no fear, this is not a charter for waterfall style “big up-front design” documentation! A few misconceptions to clear up are as follows:

As I mentioned earlier, there are quite a few viewpoint sets around so if you can see value in the approach but think that these views are not right for you, read up on the other sets. Some of the ones worth knowing about are “4+1” [5], a set for embedded software from Siemens [6], the “Views and Beyond” set from the SEI [7], the Garland and Anthony set [8] and the set defined as part of RM-ODP [9].

Of course ultimately you can also create your own views to add to these sets or even define an entirely new set. That’s quite a lot of work though and these sets have been carefully thought out, documented and tested, so they are a good starting point.

A Palette of Views

Having introduced the idea of using views for architectural description, in this section we’ll delve a little more deeply into the content and usage of some of the more commonly used views.

Context View

The system we’ll use as an example is a simple statistics storage and processing system, used to receive statistics from one or more feeder systems, store the statistics, automatically calculate derived statistics and allow statistical analysts to interrogate the statistics and record deductions that they make from them. As such it is a classic small information system, with a central database, a user interface, some batch processing and some data loading. The system context is very simple and is shown in Figure 4.

figure 4 - statistics system context

The key points to note about the system’s context are:

Functional View

To understand more about how the system will work, we create a Functional View of the system. We’d follow the advice in the Functional Viewpoint in order to guide us through the process and this would tell us that this view contains a key model – the functional structure model. The full definition of the viewpoint provides advice on what a functional structure model contains and how to create and represent one, but for the purposes of our example, we’ll just consider the finished product, which is the UML component diagram in Figure 5 (and its supporting definitions).

figure 5 - functional structure

Our functional structure model defines the set of runtime elements that the system contains, the responsibilities of each, the interfaces they provide and the interfaces they require (are dependent on).

As well as component descriptions and interface definitions, we would often add (or reference) a number of UML sequence diagrams here to illustrate how the elements interact for common system usage scenarios. We’ll omit these in the interests of space, given that the interactions in this system are fairly simple.

From the Functional View, we now know which application components will be present at runtime and how they depend on each other and interact in order to provide the functions of the system. What we don’t know yet is what data the system processes, how the components are packaged into processes or what sort of runtime environment the system is deployed into.

Information View

Some systems won’t need an Information View, but any system where the data is not all simply encapsulated inside the functional components is likely to benefit from one. An information view can contain a wide variety of models so it’s important to focus on the most important ones for the system at hand in order to stop the view becoming unwieldy.

For this system, we define the overall stored information structure and also the required lifecycle of the Deduction entity.

We have captured the information structure using the ERD in Figure 6.

figure 6 - static information structure

While a real architectural data model would need to define the entities and relationships quite carefully, but in the interests of space we’ll just note the following key points:

We can define valid entity lifecycles in a number of ways including entity life histories (ELHs) and UML state transition charts. We’ve used the ELH in Figure 7 to define the allowable set of states for the Deduction entity. We sometimes use ELHs in this way, in preference to state charts, as they’re simpler to read and so often more accepted by less technical stakeholders.

figure 7 - deduction lifecycle

The ELH for the Deduction defines the following points:

Having created an Information View, we now have a fairly clear idea as to the static information structure for the system along with some important constraints on it. We’d probably add further information to a real Information View such as data ownership (for example by using CRUD matrices), replication and latency models if relevant, expected data volumes for each significant entity and a data flow model if data flow between system elements was complicated.

Concurrency View

The Functional View (deliberately) doesn’t show how the functional elements are packaged up into OS processes or what OS threads exist at runtime. For simple systems, particularly those running within application servers, a Concurrency View often isn’t necessary as it’s fairly obvious from the functional structure. However, we’ve included one for our example system so that we can see what it might contain.

For our example system, we’ve developed a concurrency structure model, as suggested by the Concurrency Viewpoint. This uses a heavily stereotyped UML class diagram, in Figure 8, to show how the functional elements are packaged into processes and how they communicate using inter-process communication (IPC) mechanisms.

figure 8 - concurrency structure

The key points that this model is trying to communicate are:

Our example here is a little contrived and you could both simplify this concurrency approach and omit the Concurrency view for this particular system, but hopefully you can see that there are situations where such a view can be useful.

The Concurrency View doesn’t define how the processes are distributed across machines. This is deliberate as it focuses on the processes and the IPC mechanisms, which may allow for a number of different deployment approaches. We’ll see where the processes run in the Deployment view.

Development View

The Development View is where the architect can communicate any important architectural constraints that need to be respected when developing the system’s implementation. So this view is focused on design time concerns (rather than the runtime concerns that the Functional view is focused on).

Whether or not you need a Development View depends on the situation you find yourself in. If this is the early stages of the project where no serious implementation work has been started, then a Development View that captures the major decisions and constraints related to implementation will be a useful input for the development work. However once development is underway then the content of the Development View is probably better captured in a set of development standards on a wiki or some other accessible and maintainable place. You can always summarise the main points and reference them in your Development View if other stakeholders need to understand them.

The three common types of model used in this view are a (code) module structure model, models of common design features and a codeline model (i.e. how the code is organised, built, tested and released).

For our example, in the interests of space, we’ll just consider a module structure model, which we’ve captured as the UML component dependency diagram in Figure 9. This model is quite typical of the sort of module structure models that appear in Development views and it defines the design time code modules and their allowable interdependencies (in this case, organised as a set of layers).

The important points that this model is trying to communicate are as follows:

Again due to the simplicity of the example, this module structure is a little contrived, but a clear definition of the intended inter-module dependencies is a valuable part of the architectural description to avoid tangles in the codeline.

The common design models are often captured as simple text and code snippets (e.g. how and where to use a logging library) or as system specific design patterns (e.g. the mechanism that all of the modules in the system must use to implement dynamic re-configurability).

Finally, the codeline model can be represented using UML, but when one is required, it is normally more effective to simply show the directory tree as a textual hierarchy and to explain how code is organised, built released and tested in some supporting text.

figure 9 - layer structure

Deployment View

The views we’ve seen so far have been describing the design of the system without any real reference to how it will run in its production environment; that’s where the Deployment View comes in. This view is concerned with the system’s runtime environment in terms of hardware, supporting software, network requirements and so on.

The number and types of models that you include in this view obviously depend on the complexity of the environment in question, but a “full” Deployment view would include a deployment model (i.e. processing and storage nodes, mapping of processes/elements to nodes and required interconnections), a network model (which highlights the network requirements between the nodes and suppresses the detail of what’s on the nodes) and a dependencies model (which captures the hardware and software that you need to be available on each node).

The deployment structure for our example system is described by the UML deployment diagram in Figure 10.

figure 10 - deployment structure

Frankly, UML isn’t all that strong at deployment models, just including a generic “node” and allowing them to contain artefacts and be linked together with associations. Therefore, deployment structure models often use simple “box-and-line” diagrams or “bend” the notation, as we have done here, and make use of stereotypes and tagged values to make the platform requirements clear. Our model in Figure 10 illustrates the following key points:

We’re assuming certain standard network specifications between the machines and so we haven’t included a network model, but if this was complex or critical, we would create a network model to clearly communicate the connectivity we require.

The dependency model is normally captured using simple text and tables, such as the example for our system shown below.

Client PC:				Windows 8.1;
						Java JRE 1.7.0_02 or later; 
						IE 10, Chrome 39 or later or Firefox 16 or later
Primary Server: 		Red Hat Linux 6 (corporate build);
						Java JDK 1.7.0_05 or later;
Database Server: 		RHEL 6 (standard database build);
						Oracle 11.2 Std Edition with .0.4 patchset;
						100GB buffer cache, auto sized SGA;
						auto storage management, 2 table spaces;
						OEM installed and working;

This dependency list captures the following key points:

Operational View

While the Deployment view has defined the technical structure that we’ll use to host our system, it hasn’t defined how we’re going to get the system running in that environment, migrate our workload to it and keep it running when in production. The Operational View addresses these concerns.

An Operational view contains a number of models that define aspects of the operational environment such as:

We’re not going to try to capture the Operational view for our system here because it would be a large “text and tables” view that would need a lot of space to present (and like the Development view, it can often make sense to put this in a separate document rather than the main architectural description). However, hopefully you can imagine what sort of content this view would normally contain.

How Much is Enough?

As we discussed earlier, a perennial challenge for the software architect is how much architectural documentation to produce. Using a view-based approach helps to focus attention on the important parts of the problem and constantly challenges you to justify each view that you produce, but it’s still difficult to know when you have enough.

Some of the major questions we need to answer are which views are needed? How much effort should go into each? And how much formality is required in their production and presentation? A sketch on the whiteboard for each, or a UML model with supporting information in a document?

Over the years, I’ve developed a simple set of principles to help me answer these questions for my projects.

The overarching principle behind all of these principles is, as we mentioned earlier, to model with a purpose. I have always found that if you think through who would be interested in the architecture documentation, what they will use it for and what they will understand, the level of documentation required becomes much clearer (and much easier to justify producing).

An analogy which I find helpful is that of a shopping list for groceries. If you’re going shopping for the ingredients for dinner, you’re not going to describe this in JSON or XML even if you type it into a computer. However if your shopping list is for the catering service for an airline then you will need it in a machine-readable form to allow automated processing. Similarly for an architectural description, be as formal as you need to be for the uses that you’ll put the architectural description to.

My experience suggests that the relationship between the effort you put into an architectural description and the value you can get back from that is characterised by the shape of the graph in Figure 11.

figure 11 - effort value relationship

Early on, you need to put some initial effort into the process to get any value from the AD, but relatively modest investments in architectural description produce value quite quickly. Then some more effort is needed to increase the value of the architectural description (probably increasing its scope or sophistication) and once this is achieved, then again you can gain quite a lot of value for a modest increase in cost. However then at the end, it takes a lot of effort to produce relatively marginal improvements in the value that it is possible to extract from the activity. Make sure you know where you are on your effort/value graph so that you know when to invest effort and when not to.


Describing the architecture of software intensive systems is a difficult task because complex systems have many related dimensions that need to be explained and a wide variety of stakeholders who want to understand some subset of the overall architecture. In this article we have explored two important dimensions of this problem.

In order to describe the complex structures of a system we have introduced architectural views as a simple, proven and practical approach, which breaks the problem down into manageable pieces, or views, each one describing a distinct aspect of the architecture. Sets of viewpoints to guide this process are already available and can provide you with a useful starting point to design the set of views needed for your own systems. The approach has been around long enough to prove its usefulness and in fact there is even an ISO standard for view based architectural description [1].

However even when using a view-based approach we need to decide how much effort and formality is worth investing in each view that we find we need. To help us think this through for a project, we’ve identified some simple principles that focus our effort on who will be using each view, what they want to use it for and how the architectural description might be put to use.

When we understand these two dimensions of the architectural description problem, then we can focus on what really matters - designing and describing an architecture that meets the needs of our stakeholders!


  1. ISO/IEC 42010:2007, Systems and Software Engineering -- Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems, 2008
  2. Software Systems Architecture: Working with Stakeholders using Viewpoints and Perspectives, Nick Rozanski and Eoin Woods, Addison Wesley 2011. Supporting web site at www.viewpoints-and-perspectives.info.
  3. Modelling with a Sense of Purpose, John Daniels, IEEE Software, January/February 2002.
  4. Who Needs an Architect?, Martin Fowler, IEEE Software, September/October 2003.
  5. Architectural Blueprints — The “4+1” View Model of Software Architecture, Philippe Kruchten, IEEE Software, November/December 1995.
  6. Applied Software Architecture, Christine Hofmeister, Robert Nord and Dilip Soni, Addison Wesley, 2000.
  7. Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond, Paul Clements et all, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2010.
  8. Large-Scale Software Architecture: A Practical Guide Using UML, Jeff Garland and Richard Anthony, Wiley, 2002.
  9. Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP), technical report 10746, International Organization for Standardization, 1994.
  10. Harnessing UML for Architectural Description--the Context View, Eoin Woods, IEEE Software, November/December 2014.
  11. Experiences with Semantic Wikis for Architectural Knowledge Management, Remco de Boer and Hans van Vliet, 9th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA), 2011, see: IEEE Explore